Visa Requirements for Spouse of Malta National
If you plan to visit Malta as the spouse (husband or wife) of a Maltese passport holder, you can apply for a short-stay visa designated for the spouse of a Maltese National. Here are the paraphrased requirements:
Required Documents for a Schengen Visa for the Wife/Husband of a Maltese Citizen:
Evidence of Maltese citizenship, which can include an ID card, consular card, certification of Maltese nationality, or a naturalization order.
A valid Maltese marriage certificate.
The Maltese family record book.
If you're traveling to Malta as part of an official delegation representing a government, institution, or organization, you'll need to secure a Maltese visa for Official Visits before your departure. Here are the paraphrased requirements:
Required Documents for a Schengen Visa for Members of Official Delegations to Malta:
A copy of the official invitation.
A verbal note issued by a competent authority in your home country confirming your status as a delegation member traveling to Malta.
Supporting documentation indicating the purpose of your trip, which may include details about negotiations, meetings, participation in intergovernmental organization events, or consultations.
For Get More Information To Visit :Global Visa Consultant
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